Her need for independence eases, and together that touch of crazy that they play with together sends her into a love that she holds onto forever with faith and loyalty. Pisces Man & Leo Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match? She needs space most likely. An Aquarius woman is an admirable human being with so many interesting colors in her personality that can amuse anyone. Give her a little breathing room and she may come back. I really believe he is the love of my life and I will do all I can to make it work. 3) No but we use our imaginations a lot and sometimes we may fi d that more interesting, its nothing to worry about as its usually ipassing. Aquarius woman wont have a problem forming a friends with benefits situation with the Pisces man if hes up to it. DOB 02/04/1966. Both Pisces and Aquarius have deep needs for creativity and helping others. Nope. They were together for 9.5 yrs. I dont know your ages but it sounded like she is younger, so maybe part of hookup culture generation. From the moment we met I could sense something so different about him and that feeling certainly didnt stray me wrong. I always try to have a bit more hope as I know nothing is impossible. But first be good friends n go from there. I was married to a Pisces for 34.5 years as an Aquarius and it was NOT easy. Aquarius women hate to feel like we are intruding or bothering others. When I am not in love, I stay celibate and when I am in love, I can go for an all nighter marathon. These two dont really understand each other very well. He got a permanent crook in his neck from turning his head from side to side to look at every woman's ass. Even though she craves her freedom to continue to be her individualistic self, once she falls in love, she is forever of her lover. Suddenly you will be blindsided by real true love. Even though this sign has a reputation for independence, when an Aquarius woman gets into a relationship, she is very stable. Ill be blunt, and some of the answers may stem from my own personal deep-seated issues and psychological problems, because at the end of the day people do have varying upbringings and disorders. This inspires him to want to take some action to chase his own dreams. While we love each other, I wouldnt say we have the most harmonious of marriages. I am a scorpio woman. Period sex helps in reducing the cramps and period days.Some women also experience intense orgasm during period sex.I would obviously never force a man for it if he is squeamish as I respect his wishes but for a long term relationship,I would definitely prefer a Pisces man who isnt squeamish,lol.I cant put sex on hold for a week with the man I love especially when I need him in my most vulnerable and emotional state.When I am single,I live a hermits lifestyle so when I have the man I love, I wouldnt hold back the intensity. 14) its never enough keep em coming. Indeed, for those who've tried and failed to find the right man offline, mutual relations can provide. He might also be an actor or a poet. Hearing Love is great affirmation. He is completely devoted to a partner and will do anything for her. For the last year I spent trying to JUST BE FRIENDS with her (and nothing more until we were both ready) the entire year which I never do for any woman. Like what were literally going through and our personalities to a T Weve been married for almost 18 years have seven sons together and Ive been unhappy and ready to take the Dive but our sex life is so good. The Pisces man and Aquarius woman capacity to be parents is there if they want to have children but they must first make their own relationship blossom before they confuse their lives by having kids. If he isnt able b/c hes busy to write an email then he needs to text, if no text, thats not good. But this star sign is just not impressed if she's the sexiest woman alive but doesn't use her brain. When a Pisces man has a crush, he cant help but wear his heart on his sleeve. Thats highly dependent on what exactly it is. I want to talk to her again about it but this time tell her why I feel this way and just about it more so I can have closure about this issue Do you think this is a good idea or do you think she might feel like I dont trust her or want to take her freedom to choose away? It is two weeks now. Looking for her date: the traditional . He emotionally tortures me if I even dont do the dishes. Wow! 19. 8. Personally, a little jealous (could possibly fall into the greater definition of possessive), but controlling, no. On the other hand, because of the general nature of these signs, they will be able to make a relationship work between them if they want to. He will never be committed to anyone even if he wanted to. She displayed all the personality traits that make her so unique and she whispered something I said to her a magic word, so to speak a phrase that was quirky, charmingvand whimsical, just as I had whispered to her for a reason I couldnt exolsin until now: she wanted to show me that her visit was surely not my imagination. I was married to a Pisces for 34.5 yrs. Aquarius are generally a brilliant, innovative, and curious zodiac. Unfortunately as lovely as Pisces man and Aquarius woman could be, they tend to not have a whole lot in common. At least for me personally. He is head over heels for me and I am working really hard to open myself up and reciprocate the emotions because I do really like him. She usally calls me when she gets off work on her way home she texted me when she got home. Any man can be. I have no mental space to pursue my own projects or even talk to my friends while he hides his phone and talks to his friends all day long. My apologies if this double posted. Lying to a Pisces guy is just as hurtful as any harsh truth you could tell him. 13. He can put himself in anybody's shoes and his empathy is huge. Because hes so in touch with other peoples feelings, its easy for a Pisces guy to see a situation from multiple perspectives. No matter how hard I try I just cant be happy with this man. But hopefully theres a bit of clarity there. Ive been friends with a picese man for about 5-6 years, we have spoken pretty much every day since then. Thank you I just wish that it develops in same way that your relationship Roszie.. Here was my reply. Her odd behavior does not faze him and he knows how to tolerate such antics. Pisces is romantic, compassionate, and unconditionally devoted. Ive never really gone this far to keep a relationship before nor have I been this close to an Aquarian. Even if life forces us apart, I will make sure I am always in his life. She also has the capability to get on a roll when she finally does get upset. Motivate her as much as you can 7. I am an aquarius female and am about to marry a pisces male. And I Am is dying without her. The man may seriously need outside help. The Sagittarius man is never this understanding with other women! It feels scary and vulnerable to show your affection but pisces will always accept it! He is sick in his head. There is not much chemistry between these signs, and they are not natural partners for each other. This forced me to question everything, to read the New Testament (NKJV) four times within a couple months. She has a need, a craving for her independence and adventure. I have a lot of rage and anger, especially directed towards society. Do Scorpio and Aquarius Match? You say I should give her a lot of attention and I am, but I thought that she might find that too clingy or that Im too needy or even that she feels like her freedom/independence is at risk (which is apparently what Aquarians dont want to lose. The respect the hell out of someone who can react without having to think it over 1million times. Open comms and mind, integrity, someone who tries to understand and/or who matches the energy and effort shown/given to them. My Pieces man is the most lovable, caring and the most emotionally intelligent man I have ever dated. she confuses me and I feel she kinds play hard to get. i dont know what to do. it will all be to much for her!! It probably doesnt hurt that his mercury & venus are in Aquarius. I am learning this is a trait of an aquarian), BUT Gabriella NO LONGER WORKED IN THE OFFICE.. Since he is so kind and in touch with his feelings, women are naturally drawn to him and he often has several close female friends. If he talks to other women and surrounds himself with female friends, dont worry that hes being unfaithful or that its one of the signs a Pisces man is not interested in you. You might not be sure if an Aquarius man likes you or not, but these men arent as mysterious as they make themselves out to be trust me, there are always signs that an Aquarius man likes you. The article is true, I feel connected to him in every way during sex, mind body and soul. Quick replies are a must 6. 4. 12. It is the most intense and deepest love I have ever been in and received in return. Im an Aquarius woman and Ive been in love with my Pisces husband since we were 8 years old. When he was 55 he started going thru his male mid-life crisis and he had 3 affairs. I really love a pisces man and hes my favourite person on the earth now. To give that up, the guy has to really be worth the huge change in her life. Just make sure to keep her looking forward to it rather than letting the relationship stagnate and not move forward. The horoscope gives the Pisces-Aquarius bond a 'relatively good love compatibility.' This bond will be based more on friendship than on love. We can really read each others minds, which is a blessing and a curse. They may also be drawn to their rebellious streak and unconventional lifestyle. When a Pisces man has a crush, he can't help but wear his heart on his sleeve. Lots of people mistakenly think water and air elements don't go together. Yes but I like to cook also and love doing things like this together. The more eccentric her friends are, the more she enjoys them. When the Aquarius woman meets the Pisces man, she is definitely sexually attracted to him. If these two actually do fall madly in love then their love could help them overcome whatever problems they have. All rights reserved. If her pedicure is practically nonexistent or she has a lot of calluses and rough patches on her . He would do the same call me nasty names when he was angry at me for whatever happened. Im a 3rd Decan Pisces sun/Aries moon. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Pisces Man & Aries Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match? He is attracted to a woman who is assertive and can help him make decisions, no matter how simple or difficult. But this would be totally us if it works out. I put up with him and eventually he got better at it b/c of me threatening to leave unless he did. For this reason, he may not discuss his feelings and expect her to just know what he wants and needs. I am headstrong, and so is he! A very insecure man no doubt. Doors getting kicked in, things getting smashed up. The way to captivate a Pisces however is to work on the self, to attain a higher level of spirituality. But dont be offended if its the latter, its more than likely burnout and the necessity to be alone inside their own heads. While they connect naturally with certain zodiac signs, they will have a hard time being with other zodiacs. Therefore, Pisces will naturally be attracted to Gemini because this sign is always full of interesting ideas about life. High tolerance. I went to my Doctors office to give them to her, to let her know I am in love with her. My suggestion to you aqua ladies is learn how to be more consistent and reliable. Do Pisces men play hot and cold if they are disinterested or just because they are playing hard to get? You could use the chance to clear your head. 12. Maybe I am in love with who he used to be. Aquarius wants a friend first. Are there any long sucessful stories of pisces man and aquarius woman relationships? Even after a breakup, a Pisces guy will still be there for his former lover for as long as she needs him, until or unless he moves on to someone else who requires his undivided attention. He was a dreamer, very artistic, very moody and when we first met extremely jealous of me. Join the conversation, be positive, and stay on topic. Wow. I have been with a pisces man for some time. The sweetness in the relationship of Aquarius woman and Pisces man is even sweeter than honey. For me having sex with another deepens our connection in a love based sense. He is great at selecting thoughtful gifts and he enjoys expressing his love through presents. Seems like good chemistry (at least for us). I admit to having a strong sexual appetite as I am an Aries Mars. An Aquarius lady likes to play hard to get. I tend to overthink, I dive into logic way too much sometimes, and he helps me to go and feel more with my heart, and a little less with my mind. For the aquarius girls that are second guessing this pairing, you wont feel the spark right away like you would with a leo, aries or scorpio, but deep love that forms is much better than this. takes two mature people. Yes, but I also like to cook for someone and cooking together is fun. They re usually independent. Even if he became sick, crippled, lost his attractiveness, I would still love him. Am aquarius woman, divorced since a few years from a very domining Aris husband. I am really only a I honestly am a loving caring person and will always give it my all and make partner my priority and shower her with love. Although a Pisces man gives freely and expects nothing in return, he is impressed by a magnanimous and selfless woman. Pisces man wasted my precious time. He will settle for nothing less than an otherworldly love story. Show her that you are genuinely interested 2. As for seduction part, I am ultra feminine when I want to please or crave the attention of my man. I want the man that will INVEST into our relationship. Aquarius women want to feel excitement and passion from a man. Commitment is never an issue. All Aquarians are water-bearers, and Pisces need water to swim. I have been so tolerant and patient. ***** Pisces Men please read and reply*****. Im obviously not speaking on behalf of all Pisces. I dont know if hes the one for me. the brunt of my temper. They want your attention but not for you to cling to them. But I wouldnt want it with any other man. When she saw that I am a real one, she is now addicted to me. In her youth, Aquarius woman likes to keep her options open and this could make her have a fling or two. He makes me laugh, cry, smile, and sometimes just want to scream in a good way and also in a bad way. Make some decisions about what is acceptable and what exceeds the boundaries around which you seek to protect your partnership. One thing about a pisces male is that he loves to be seen and love to flirt. I couldnt believe how easy its been. Are Pisces men good fathers? 9. Even then, they dont relate with each other too terribly much. I broke up with her in the worst way possible (not giving details and no it wasnt cheating) and it completely shattered her and her trust in me. Pisces men are usually introverts and they struggle between wanting to spend all of their time with loved ones and desperately needing some time to themselves to recharge. She will need to prove to him that her desire for alone time isnt driven by dissatisfaction in her marriage, and he will have to accept that he is with a partner who needs room to grow as an individual. Being consistent will take you much farther than a few huge love gestures. They quarrel back and forth when in fact all they are really thinking is how much each one wants the other one. Hi Rose. Has she given you reason to be suspicious or is it just your imagination running wild? I think pisces need someone else to take the lead this way as well. What hurts the Pisces man the most in a relationship?