Consultant, Enterprise Research Administration (ERA) System. Choose the format (NIH, NSF,Other, or ERA Internal Report) that you need. See earlier notice, NIH Grant Guide NOT-OD-19-114. JHURA will not include any agreement that has not been vetted through the investigators Deans Office, but NIH may request such documents. The C&P tool presents the role that is listed in the FP or AWD (e.g., Post Doctoral Associate, Other Professional, etc. Each request should be filled out neatly and should include the veterans complete name used while in service, rank, service number, social security number, branch of service, dates of service (date entered and date released), and it should be signed by the veteran or the next of kin if the veteran is deceased. Under newly-implemented federal law, all covered individuals on a project must disclose in all federal funding applications the amount, type, and source of allcurrent and pending research supportthey receive or might receive whether that support has already been received, is expected to be received at the time of the disclosure, or is pending (and thus not even certain). JHU NIH Proposal Preparation Instructions Cost shared effort is not currently incorporated into the person months effort in the ERA C&P Tool. For all applications and submissions on or after May 25, 2021,JHURA and School of Medicine ORAwill requirethe use of the newNIH Other SupportandBiosketchforms, without the new signature/certification requirement. First, you must submit to NIH copies of any contracts that are related to your foreign academic appointments. The link includes archived versions of the disclosure table;please make sure you are viewing the current version. What to include as supporting documentation: What to exclude as supporting documentation: I, PD/PI or other key/senior personnel, certify that the statements herein are true, complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge, and accept the obligation to comply with Public Health Services terms and conditions if a grant is awarded as the result of this application. Professional appointments, regardless of whether the appointment is: Involvement in foreign government-sponsored talent recruitment programs, Consulting activities that involve conducting research, Research conducted during the summer semester for faculty members with an Academic Year appointment, Sponsor of the activity or source of funding. The Current & Pending Tool (C&P tool) was developed to assist Research Advancement staff with the creation of Current & Pending (C&P) documents quickly and accurately. Johns Hopkins researchers whose research is supported with federal funding should update and maintain their current and pending or other support documentation. h. Current and Pending Support. Choose Scopus, Web of Science, Europe Pubmed Central, CrossRef, and other relevant data sources to add your publications. NSF requires the Current and Pending Support form to be completed in an NSF approved format. 1001 and 287, and 31 U.S.C. As needed, complete the NIH Major Goals section with the information required. Completed support does not need to be reported for In-kind contributions. If you have questions, please contact Jaime Blanck at the Welch Medical Library or Robin Sinn at the Sheridan Libraries. Last Updated: 5/11/22 Why do postdocs and other non-PI individuals show up in the tool? Promote to Current Budget once completed and re-route for department reviews. Name and address of the agencies and/or other parties supporting the other research projects. ORCID is a widely used persistent identifier, trusted by institutions of higher education, publishers, and funders. For in-kind contributions intended for use on the project being proposed to NSF, the information must be included as part of the Facilities, Equipment, and Other Resources section and not duplicated on the current and pending support. DOD requires full disclosure of current and pending support from domestic and non-domestic sources. Click the button. Why is it showing? The NIH C&P form in ERA will allow the RA to specify the number of blank rows for Current awards and Pending proposals to be added prior to downloading the report. Please consult theoriginal NIHNoticeandFAQs, as well asJHUs Current and Pending Support pagefor additional guidance on what needs to be disclosed. Johns Hopkins researchers whose research is supported with federal funding should update and maintain their current and pending or other support documentation. For promotion to paygrades E4 through E6, the advancement-in-rate examination score, the performance evaluations, service in paygrade, awards, and previous examination performances are factors of what system? While NIH is notrequiringuse of the new Other Support and Biosketch forms until January 25, 2022,applicants are still responsible for capturing all of the necessary informationset forth in their original notice (NOT-OD-21-073). In order to help users efficiently filter out Expired awards, when appropriate, the current status of the award is presented in the tool. All research resources including, but not limited to, foreign financial support, research or laboratory personnel, lab space, scientific materials, selection to a foreign talents or similar-type program, or other foreign or domestic support must be reported. - An active award is any ERA Award that is in one of the following status: Activation in Progress, Activation Hold, Active, or Expired. Why doesnt the NIH overlap text save anywhere? If the agreements are written in a language other than English, a translated copy must also be provided. In order to add new personnel to an ERA Award, an Award Change Request will need to be submitted in the AWD (followWI-EP-130; see Changes to Key Personnel section) to add the new personnel. Article 38 requires the disclosure of current support or in-kind contribution information that was not included as part of the proposal submission process. Total cost of the proposal, award or activity, including direct costs, indirect costs, Total project period (start and end date of the activity), Person-months effort (per year) being dedicated to the award or activity. Most funding agencies designate who they consider a covered individual, and JHURA and ORA maintain updated information on agency-specific rules. Johns Hopkins University An Investigator Allocation Change may also need to be completed. This represents a change from the original May 25, 2021 requirement date for the updated formats and other support signatures. Since the ERA C&P Tool only pulls named individuals from FP Smartform 1.1.1, individuals should be included in this area. 3. You can use your JHED credentials to sign in. Make sure to include all sources of support, foreign or domestic, including scholarships or fellowships. PIs and other Senior/Key Personnel should work through JHURA to notify NIH of any previously undisclosed Other Support. See NIH Grant Guide NOT-OD-19-114. Department of Defense As part of the National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2019, the Department of Defense (DoD) was directed to ensure that academic institutions that participate in defense research and engineering activities have their key personnel make full disclosure of the following Other Support information: A list of all current projects the individual is working on, in addition to any future support the individual has applied to receive, regardless of the source. This will download a Word document which you will open and see the C&P Report. For other report types, this will need to be manually added within the fillable PDF form or by typing the information into the Word document. All affiliations should be disclosed to the administrative leadership of your Schools through the applicable policies and channels, including providing copies of the agreements that establish these affiliations. Information must be provided about all current support for ongoing projects, irrespective of whether such support is provided through the applicant organization, through another domestic or foreign organization, or is provided directly to an individual that supports the senior/key personnels research efforts. Report all resources and other support for all individuals designated in an application as senior/key personnel including for the program director/principal investigator (PD/PI) and for other individuals who contribute to the scientific development or execution of a project in a substantive, measurable way, whether or not they request salaries or compensation. List all positions and scientific appointments both domestic and foreign held by senior/key personnel that are relevant to an application including affiliations with foreign entities or governments. If the time commitment or dollar amount is unknown, reasonable estimates should be provided. The revised definition states that current and pending support includes, all resources made available to an individual in support of and/or related to all of his/her research efforts, regardless of whether or not they have monetary value. NSF also added that C&P support includes all in-kind contributions, not just those related to the project being proposed. It is their responsibility to update BOL NDAWS with your award in accordance with the. In addition, members of the Provosts office and the research administration offices are available to provide departmental briefings as needed. With the release of their revised Grant Policy Statement in October of 2019, NIH revised their definition of Other Support. To be eligible for a C-Way quota, a Sailor that has received a "Significant Problem" or "Progressing evaluation must have at least what total number of promotable or higher evaluations? In addition, investigators should ensure that all agreements that relate to any foreign appointment or an item listed on the Other Support page have been reviewed and approved by their Deans Office prior to being included in the Other Support. NSF has not released the schema or coding that ASU developers would need to use in order to update ERA to generate a C&P that NSF systems will see as identical to NSFs Fillable PDF form. Find out about their political, social, and economic situations. Step 2: Follow the steps under the Obtaining Your, A few examples is your Expert 9mm. If you are submitting an Other Support document to NIH, you may find this annotated version of the NIH Other Support form helpful. Use the "e-Submission Documents" tab to view documents pending acceptance into your OMPF. Veterans or next-of kin of deceased veterans can obtain and fill out SF 180, Request Pertaining To Military Records or write a letter to request replacement awards. Period of performance for the other research projects.. The JHU Provosts Office strongly recommends faculty use ORCID for this purpose, and we anticipate that NIH and NSF will require the use of ORCID at some point. Sponsor will need to approve budget changes. Use the link ORCID with JHU and these directions to link your ORCID to JHU. ORCID iDs can simplify investigator reporting by saving time, ensuring accuracy, and improving the tracking of career outcomes. NIH is anticipating that a template will be available in SciENcv beginning in FY 2022. For promotion to paygrades E4 through E6, the advancement-in-rate examination score, the performance evaluations, service in paygrade, awards, and previous examination performances are factors of what system? This has become even more important as investigators are facing additional scrutiny on the completeness and accuracy of other support and biosketch disclosures. Navy veterans to whom a military decoration has been awarded, or the immediate next of kin of a deceased recipient may also receive a replacement set of decorations on a one-time basis without cost if the previously issued medal, ribbon, or other device has been lost, destroyed, or rendered unfit for use without fault or neglect on the part of the recipient. Second, as explained below, beginning on January 25 all faculty will be required to electronically sign their NIH Other Support disclosures using DocuSign. Immediate notification of undisclosed Other Support. Awards issued prior to 2006 were entered on a paper NAVPERS 1070/604 and should be filed in your OMPF. Participation in a foreign talents or similar program. Proposers and awardees may begin using this resource immediately to assist with completing the relevant proposal and project report sections. Sponsor will need to approve budget changes. Thank you again for your compliance with federal laws and regulations. NSF has clarified that start-up packages provided to the individual from the proposing organization do not have to be reported. To request a new Research Admin DocuSign account for Other Support purposes, please email Yes, all effort committed to the project should be reported. Overall, the Guide has been updated to align with the changes to NSFs Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) (NSF 22-1). Note: RAs will need to update the font size of person months effort tables to at least 11 point Times New Roman in the NIH Other Support documented downloaded from the ERA C&P Tool. We are currently working with IT, the Office of General Counsel, and others on the process by which this will be operationalized. Consult updated NIH Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Other Support and Foreign Components. 2020 Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide (PAPPG), NSF-Approved Formats for Current and Pending Support, Senior/Key Personnel Foreign Influence Risk Rubric, AQ's on their Countering Foreign Influence Program, Department of Defense issued a memo in March 2019, Financial Assistance Letter (FAL), No. The C&P Tool provides a report for any individual who is named on a submitted FP or active Award, regardless of their role on the project. The award or other identifying number. NIH Notice Published 5/5/2021: The NIH issued a notice on May 5, 2021 that updated biosketch and other support format pages and instructions are available for use in applications, Just-in-Time (JIT) Reports, and Research Performance Progress Reports (RPPRs). 3. In addition, regardless of whether a consulting agreement fits the definition of Other Support, all outside activities must also be disclosed to the relevant COI office through eDisclose. Make sure to include all sources of support, foreign or domestic, including scholarships or fellowships. Once an FP has moved into the Declined state, it should no longer be pulled into the C&P Tool. ), Training grants involving the reporting investigator as mentor or project director.