, We knew it was 2016. 2022: Putin recognizes independent protectoratesFebruary 24, 2022. ., It was the stunning rise of Donald Trump coupled with the resurgence of Russia (both elements were necessary) that saved the world from the planned international bloodbath. A Facebook post said that Vladimir Putin, he ended Rothschilds (sic) control over Russia by nationalizing the Russian centralized bank. They banned GMOS and created a currency to compete against the dollar.. This kingdom was largely unknown to the general population until Arthur Koestler wrote about its history in his 1976 book, The Thirteenth Tribe. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation (CBR; Russian: ), doing business as the Bank of Russia (Russian: ), is the central bank of the Russian Federation.The bank was established on July 13, 1990. But then Ill have to move to Argentina or Sri Lanka., Reporting by Katya Golubkova,; Editing by Ed Osmond. The more powerful, the less I trust them. But maybe theyll just dispose of him anyway and then try and pin it on Putin. Hence, Kiev has great religious significance to Putin, who considers himself the Protector of the Faith. The same goes for Ukrainians whose relatives live in Russia. His reports reveal that what is happening on the ground is not what Western corporate media would have you believe. by Internationalist 360, The Expos US Navy veteran and independent journalist, Patrick Lancaster, has been making regular reports from Ukraine since the beginning of the crisis. pp170-171, In 1980 the global phenomenon of privatisation increases dramatically. Edward Rydz Smigly: p244, In 1999 1st October, The Rome Observer runs a story of how the Italian police have broken up a paedophile ring which had been kidnapping non-Jewish children aged between 2 and 5 from orphanages, and then raping and murdering them. Something like our original Commonwealth Bank when it was under the governorship of Denison Miller. New York and Paris..used to be THE place to beNow SLUMS !!!! That is why the Lower East Side of New York Citythe Jewish sectionsent the first 256 commissars to rule Russia, including Rabbi Leon Bronstein, who took the name Leon Trotsky. Canaanite, Strongs Hebrew Concordance 3669, a merchant, a trafficker. George Soros was even threatening as much! December 11, 2017 13:01. Russia's Covid shot maker Gunzburg 'is a relative of the Rothschilds' (Business Gazette) Rothschild in the service of the KGB ( Chairman of the Rothschild-affiliated Central Bank of Russia Elvira Nabiullina is a "former" member of the Communist Party Soviet Union (RUCriminal) This is not a war of people. The Story of the Commonwealth Fleet (of Steamers). No wonder Putin wants to clean the place up. 4, bld. Hi Ed On my own initiative I have, not once but several times, made proposals for the revision of intolerable conditions. Aruba: Central Bank of Aruba. She was the 45th victim. Indeed, one of these . Do you see any similarities here? However, if being a Jew is a matter of religion, then it is a question of denominationalism within Judaism itself. I have no words. The Rothschilds are behind this from the very beginning in order to seize control of all state owned assets worldwide. When they murder someone that is really the ultimate test like the 4 African presidents who refused the jab in their countries all dead in the same year. The demonstrations started when Vlad started shelling Kiev. News. In 1863. 78 Comments. Elsewhere, Russia's central bank governor, Elvira Nabiullina, told CNBC's Hadley Gamble in an exclusive interview earlier this week that digital currencies will be the future of financial systems . Iran. In 2014, the US State Department successfully orchestrated the Maidan revolt in Kiev and essentially captured the country for its own use. Our President does not listen to us and tells the whole world that the Russian people support him. How long would it take for Australian troops with the help of international PEACE KEEPERS NATO FUKUS to crush the resistance that reigns terror onto the peaceful nation? The Kremlin is already sufficiently confident to reopen the Moscow stock exchange for bond transactions The ruble has not collapsed. So, a president who will stand up and lead under a Communist invasion this could pay for all. Poland?! Meanwhile big pharmas silent world war carries on , Wednesday, June 19, 2019 The initial Russian offensive in Ukraine has broken down and ground to a halt. This country could fall apart into a state for the Kurds, one for the Sunnis, and one for the Shia. #BalakotAirStrike & #SurpriseDay: Pakistans hashtag war against India on Balakot anniversary, Fact Check: Viral video of a girl singing Piya Tose Naina Lage is from 2022. For example, Trotsky was a leading member of the first group and his original name was Bronstein. p68 . Politicians do not work for the people, they are the servants of their corporate masters and carry out their bidding. Corrections: Therefore, there might be more bullshit in the . With Ezekiel 38 and 39 fulfilled a century ago, we are now seeing the end of the Gog-Magog war. Theyll most likely tell of hundreds of civilians being massacred in the streets. The men have to stay to fight. There are only 3 countries in the world without a Rothschild-owned central bank: Cuba, North Korea and Iran. -Libya. So does this support Putin the puppet? For the past year, the Central Bank of Russia has been systematically destroying the country's private banks, consolidating immense financial power in the hands of the Kremlin. The only countries left in 2018 without a Central Bank owned or controlled by the Rothschild Family are: Cuba. But please Putin is just another Puppet his job is to make the western dupes look weak and the young think that communism looks good! Here are those few thousand [MSM standard issue number] Georgians demonstrating for Ukrainians who do not want Russian rule. The Central Bank of Russia has scrambled to stabilize the country's collapsing economy following the sanctions - which included the ejection of key Russian banks from the SWIFT international . The truth about that should give you some indication. The Rothschild family never controlled Russia. Vanuatu: Reserve Bank of Vanuatu. On the second echelon of the power structure, sits Rothschild's fully owned BIS - Bank of International Settlement established in 1931 in the Netherlands. This is actually in Russia's interest as it defeats the internal Russian Fifth Column, the Atlanticist Integrationists who are willing to sacrifice Russian sovereignty to globalism and being a part of the West. Russia's central bank was established in 1860, more than a century before Putin started his first presidential term. Putin Put on (the bad guy) surely gets the same bad press as the Australian terrorist citizens would that are trying to destroy the American colonial democracy on kosher British strings. We even know in which year the Americans will accomplish a new missile, which will be able to penetrate distances of up to 1000km, and then even further. p68, In 1880 Rothschild agents begin fomenting a series of pogroms predominately in Russia, but also in Poland, Bulgaria and Romania. It is even rumoured that supporters of this plan have a place in Prime Minister Netanyahus government. Voice to force acceptance of massive land grabs by Aborigines and for compulsory rental payments by land owners objectnow! The true power of the Rothschilds goes far beyond the banking empire: they are also . tonyryan43, I agree and history agrees too. The recent attempt to take Kazakhstan, which failed, was actually an attempt to enlarge the Deep States territory to the Khazar Kingdoms original borders. So here we are today and theyve placed their missile defense system in Romania always saying we must protect ourselves from the Iranian nuclear threat. Complete List of BANKS Owned or Controlled by the Rothschild Family. Sound military sense suggests Russia should attack these supply lines, depots and railroads. It was Putin the Great who brought Russia back to a point where, by 2016, he was able to talk tough and back it up. If Vlad is shelling Kiev, he is going to take over. There is no risk to civilians as theyve been constantly assured. New currency pairs for FX dealer clients: amendments to Basic Standard. Our main interest, of course, is how to view it from a biblical and prophetic standpoint. The Central Bank of Russia is not nationalized to any extent, and attempts to do it a few years ago mystically failed. Good on putin going in and freeing them poor Ukrainians from them Natzi groups who were selling children to buy guns and military equipment. 2, Romanov lane SWIFT helps provide services related to the execution of financial transactions and payments between banks worldwide. At Rothschild & Co, we have the ambition to support and drive the sustainability transition of the global economy. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. I tried to post an article from Veterans about the USA have Biolaboratories in Ukraine and got blocked again by farcebook Mr Fuckerberg member of the monstrous totalitarian world economic Forum at the speed of light. Oil magnate Sergey Bogdanchikov claims the bank lost half his $150 million portfolio in a kickback scheme. The Russian people say no war. Tunisia: Central Bank of Tunisia. Basically, now all Russia has to do is declare that this area is Russian and that everything that happens in this area is an internal matter of Russia. Alexander 11 (1855-1881) refused to allow the Rothschilds to set up a central bank in Russia. Central & Eastern Europe 1; Latin America 2; North America 10 . Perhaps they could start by shutting down some Banks. Global Advisory has had an on-the-ground presence in Russia for over a decade. The US Central Bank is under the control of the Rothschilds as the Russian Central Bank is. This was when the real corruption started. Modern Zionism is, in fact, the fulfillment of Ezekiel 38, 39. In 1791, Washington was undecided about a central bank and asked Hamilton for advice after . The safest place to shop during the scamdemic is a multi national store. This is not about a couple of separatist republics who want to be under Russian rule and probably they do after Russian population transfers into them. Kiev is the birthplace of the Russian Orthodox Church with the conversion of the Grand Prince of Kiev in 988 A.D. Franklin God sees the upper, And I the underside. Joseph does not trace Chazar ancestry to Hebrew people but to Chazar, the seventh son of Togarma. Once they told me: We like very much your stories. It is understood that the Rothschild banking racket was a noose tied around the neck of the Russian economy. Summing up the testimony of those who lived through the US assault, one historian describes the US aerial bombings as a remorseless faceless enemy inflicting indiscriminate violence against homes, villages, livestock, and people who, regardless of age, gender, physical strength, social status, [and who] lacked any defense except to salvage their belongings., According to a fellow combatant of Sandino who lived through the aerial bombing and the sacking of Ocotal, Nicaragua which followed, the aviation did much damage to the population between loss of life and loss of property, causing thirty-six deaths in our forces Sandinos troops stood to the planes as best they could, downing one enemy plane (a Fokker), and aft this the Sandinista troops withdrew, and thats when the Yankee troops enter the already destroyed town, causing the greatest destruction, sacking the images and bells from the ruins of the church and throwing them in the river There were hundreds of deaths here, among them children, women.,, Ukraine-Russia negotiations have reached certain decisions Absolutely believe Putin is on the right track! Russian President Vladimir Putin was not responsible for the nationalization of the Russian centralized bank, which took place in 1917. Yes, old kodger. The Bank of Russia has defended its independence after Friday's surprise cut in interest rates raised concerns about the influence of the Kremlin, industrialists and bankers over the central . Statute law or Admiralty Law, is the Law of the Sea. Go back 80 years or so and check out the headlines in the NewYork Times, in 1939 youll find a headline that says something to the effect of we must have a jihad against Germany, Why? Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. December 6, 1855 . However, some are assisted with Rothschild money to begin settling in Palestine. Bank of Russia raises macroprudential requirements for mortgage loans. Posted on February 25, 2022, in Putin, Rothschild, Russia and tagged Open Russia foundation. We will not be bullied by them.. Ukraine will remain steeped in profound corruption no matter who rules it. ..The attempted coup in Kazakhstan should be viewed as a precursor to the present war in The Ukraine. [ Read this ]. All these proposals, as you know, have been rejected proposals for limitation of armaments, proposals for limitation of war making. p153, The Flag of Israel is unveiled. US cannot break China-Russia strategic partnership as its ,, Editors Note: This year marks the 20th anniversary of the signing of the China-Russia Good-Neighborliness and Friendly Cooperation Treaty. The Rothschild family banking . It depends on Moscows real goal in Ukraine. The best way out of this dangerous mess would be partition into pro and anti-Russian zones. Iran. 20 February 2023. The satellite states surrounding Israel should be subordinate and form the basis for a pax-Israelium. The Jews/Edomites and Arabs are related Esau thereupon takes a daughter of Ishmael to wife (Gen. xxviii. From the standpoint of national security, no one wants nuclear missiles on their borders. Imagine if our Corporate Parliamentary leaders exchanged their suits for a Defence Uniform. Those sort of behaviours only happen in Countries defiled by the West. If we do not challenge them there will be other issues. Gomer himselfnot to be confused with Hoseas Gomerwas the brother of Magog, Meshech, and Tubal. The only countries left in 2003 without a Central Bank owned or controlled by the Rothschild Family were: -Sudan. JUST LOOK AT THE DATE BELOW THE PICTURE OF PUTIN. MOSCOW (Reuters) - Giovanni Salvetti, the head of Rothschild in Russia and CIS, takes five flights a week in his job managing the bank's operations from Kazakhstan to Ukraine. No.3. No.4. In 1917 the Khazars, in turn, overthrew Russia and established the Soviet Union. The Secretary-General of the United Nations has stated that Ukraine has not applied for border registration since 1991, so the state of Ukraine does not exist. Have now been locked out of Russian news sites; refused connection messages. No matter what we said to our American partners to curb the production of weaponry they refused to cooperate with us, they rejected out offers, and continue to do their own thing. The Socialist republics began relatively independent, including The Ukraine. But then he got involved in the crime and corruption of the Communist Revolution / Democratic Party of the US. Of course the small family businesses werent owned by the verminous Rothschild family. The conflict between the two countries was discussed at the session of the UN Security Council. GA , Global Advisory 800 Boylston Street . Learn how your comment data is processed. Argentina: Central Bank of Argentina. p154, In 1948,1st Oct., Mao Tse Tsung declares the founding of the Peoples Republic of China in Tiananmen Square, Beijing. Its only you (the media) that they tell tales to, and you spread it to the citizens of your countries. We in the UK should do the same, throw the Rothschilds Out, Accusations Chinese Government Officials Corrupted My Videos! They therefore gathered groups of Jewish spies and sent them to Russia to drum up a revolution for the benefit of the common man, which was actually a takeover of Russia by a Rothschild controlled Jewish elite. Therefore, it can be assumed that Russia is not committing any rights violations in relation to Ukraine. But a wounded nation particularly a past or former enemy is too much of a target to ignore. Rothschild Martin Maurel. p159, In 1952, 23rd April, during a debate on immigration law, Congressman John Rankin makes the following statement to the house on the subject of the Jews, which is recorded to the House on the subject of the Jews, which is recoded in the Congressional Record. Putin, Trump both good bissnes men and you knew where you stood. lolol But reinstalled their most heinous proxies. The debt clock at mid-day 20 Jan 2023 was $ 8,793,694,584,359. Annex to Bank of Russia Order No. Vatican City?! I trust no leader. This happened quietly during March 2020, and . In 1982, President Francois Mitterrand's . As Putin rose through the political ranks he maintained a steady friendship with Kissinger and to this day they have regular lunches and Kissinger has been an adviser to multiple branches of the Kremlin. If he can stand up to Vlad, then he could offload a US crime syndicate. This claim is nonsense and always has been. The corporate government also owns all the assets, property, and children of its citizenry. MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Rothschild Group is looking at taking on new hires for its Russian operation later this year, bucking the trend for big Western money advisers to scale back . You are not forgotten, he writes, and I quote from his book, so that we might know the truth for those responsible for virtually all wars, revolutions, financial debacles, and social upheavals. They rejected everything we had to offer. It was probably about that time [7th century] that the chaghan of the Chazars and his grandees, together with a large number of his heathen people, embraced the Jewish religion. Of course they want their prize agent/puppethe knows where all the bodies are buried (Hunter Obiden et al) and they cant risk him rolling over. "Give me control over a nations currency, and I care not who makes its laws" - Baron M.A. Point 10 Allow all Soviet satellites individual representation in the U.N. Point 14 Continue giving Russia access to the US Patent Office. ..,, How many countries has USA invaded? Most agree: that Communism was synonymous with Talmudism. 1939: Hitler recognizes independent protectorates. 2022: Putin recognizes independent protectorates USA responds with sanctions. A former Russian oil magnate's lawsuit to recover half of his lost $150 million fortune from the Edmond de Rothschild bank was dismissed by a judge in New York.