You comment is incomprehensible (that word means your comment is gobbledegook in case you were wondering). Evil Evil !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! However, if then the neighbour threatens with the killing again, I would mention that this would be a criminal act (but would hope it didn't come to that). Youll just have to prove it and that might be tricky. As strange as it may seem, the law really takes threats against animals seriously, more so than human abuses (sometimes, but definitely in this case). Does PETA kill thousands of animals annually and if so, why? Sounds like a complete bully to me, threatening that it would be a shame if your cat died. She tells me, "Do you want to die, buddy? In Britain the answer might be: if you have a garden of sufficient size, build a cat enclose. Most lawsuits or legal action happen after the damage is done in a case like this no matter the outcome your pet is still injured or dead. My dog and I offended a new neighbor. Many people use death threat as a general insult (even at their own children), without even the slightest intent to actually do it. Are we clear?" Yes I too would report him. But I guarantee you this, ALL your neighbors perfectly understand it. . Her response was, "No, we've already talked about it and you're being unpleasant." Tevin Williams, 31, allegedly beat the animal and shot it with a BB gun on Dec. 14, moments . I also have him chipped, and I did fit his collar with an electronic tracker. Youre too unpleasant to have around. I do not understand the entitlement of some pet owners who think everyone should tolerate their dog or cat running loose or in the case of dogs yowling all night. There is now an abundance of upper space. The neighbor also continues to attach complaint notes to my front door almost every week. I digress.Your best option is to make your cat an indoor cat. Feel free to rollback or edit if you think I got you wrong. If one of my neighbours told me they was putting down a deliberate poison because of my cat I would report it to the police and the RSPCA. A. Bowies law AB 595 California is an animal life saver. Your email address will not be published. So neighbor as a potential cause has to be in there, along with cancer, organ failure, bacterial infection, mycotic swamp cancer and mites and viruses and all of the many things that can make a body ill. Why do small African island nations perform better than African continental nations, considering democracy and human development? Just to clarify to that idiot incase he comes back under another name, the bird feeder was placed on a pole exactly between our 2 gardens specifically to entice cats to climb it and cut themselves on the barbed wire HALF of which was wound round OUR side of the pole. He is entitled by law to defend his property from damagers (including your cats) The only point of contention is he cant prove it was your cats as opposed to the countless others, that did the damage. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Later, I see her putting up chicken wire around her yard. I don't think it's right to threaten someone's pet. How many more neighbors lives are you going to try to control and manipulate during your life by using your self-victimization cat-excuse and then blame others for it? Minimising the environmental effects of my dyson brain, Linear regulator thermal information missing in datasheet. Hi, my name is AUGGIE and I am estimated to be 9 months old. You are now banned. We don't let it out on purpose, but it's a sneaky little thing. There are some horrible people in this world. They are both obese Bowie's law is a significant advance in the humane treatment of animals in California according to Nathan Winograd. If not the neighbors fault, then the traffics fault, or a stray spreading feline AIDS to your own cat which has more right to roam, etc., etc.. Linear Algebra - Linear transformation question. Your cat should be prevented from going onto your neighbor's property if he strongly dislikes it. reply report. I allowed myself to rephrase your question to remove the "should I", off-topic part. Using Kolmogorov complexity to measure difficulty of problems? If anything happens to your cat when it's at-large, good luck getting anywhere as far as holding anyone accountable. Don't wait for a visit from animal control, for a court summons, or, worst of allfor frustrated neighbors to take the "law" into their own hands. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. Can we talk about this?" Where are you located, and did your neighbor say this in English or another language? And yes, cats can and do crap on top of lawns. All Rights Reserved. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. My old cat goes into the yard with me while I water (I don't leave him outside otherwise). He shook my cat and went after his stomach multiple times. In the end we gave in, gave up the home that we had bought and paid for and moved away to where we are now where people seem more inclined to live and let live, and thankfully weve never had any troubles over the boys we have now going out and about. They wanted to own the house next to theirs, and eventually did after driving out the subsequent owners. Don't be so ridiculous. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. My neighbour threatened to kill my cat. Consider installing a video camera to document all activity and deter malicious behavior. She told me I'm a Trump supporter (I'm not) and I'm not welcome in this neighborhood if those are my values. Personally I wouldn't even think about apologising for my pet being in someone else's garden unless they were causing damage or defecating in their garden. Archived post. However, she might have reasons for her behavior, even if it seems irrational to you. Yes, exactly. We often link to other websites, but we can't be responsible for their content. You should absolutely report him. Oct. 22, 2021, 9:11 PM PDT. Press J to jump to the feed. Am I missing something there? Otherwise, call animal control and see what they have to say. They were literally threatened with death by chocolate. Finally, Wisconsin has an interesting statute that prohibits "the killing or aiding in killing or wounding by use of deadly weapon of any animal that is tied, staked out, caged or otherwise intentionally confined in a man-made enclosure, regardless of size." WI ST 951.09 . Also, a person who threatens a peace officer, elected official or who threatens a large group of people may face enhanced charges. All you can do is either build a contained area in your yard for your cats. Or in both cases, if and when your cat goes out, supervise the trip or put your cat on a leash. tl;dr Neighbor is upset that my cat goes outside. Goodbye you mean minded lonely freak. Our neighbors dog which is 2houses down dug a hole to the neighbors then dug a hole between our fence and next door neighbors got in our back yard and vicious killed our Maltipoo my daughter who is 9 saw the dog standing over our dog we called dog pound they came and got the dog but in 3dayd the dog was back at home how can they release a dog This applies even if the gun is unloaded and no physical contact occurs. I hope you paid them a visit once you left..Im going through this just cats dont defecate in their garden as its stone chipped..but use the fence to reach softer ground..theyve stoned my cats a few times. For example, a person who threatens their neighbor while waving a gun may be charged with aggravated assault. Telling her, "Look. Why? Fine with other animals, including cats and farm llamas. We cant all like the same things but we dont go around tormenting people just because they dont like the same as we do, do we! Any suggestions I can do to get this jerk off my back? Just a quick apology for an accident. Summary: One where Sam never wanted to be a lawyer . I just read this whole thing from start to finish, comments and all. ahh ok, cheers for the clarafication. However, it would obviously be a crime to hurt or kill your cat in all countries in the West. I know what I feel like doing to someone like this jerk who hates cats and probably poisoned cats but being a neighbour you will probably agree that you have to keep the peace as best we can because youre living next to him and if you are engaged in warfare with your next-door neighbour youre going to be miserable and so will he although he wouldnt admit it. Shooting a pet isn't considered a crime, at least not as far as I'm aware. Is there a way to prevent the cat from getting out in the first place? Great Pyrenees Dog for Adoption near California, CITY RANCH, USA. How can I check before my flight that the cloud separation requirements in VFR flight rules are met? Depending on how and where the incident took place, the owner of the cat may be able to seek legal action against you. Not a very nice comment at all. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Also, it is more socially responsible to pick up feces if he defecates in a public place, although I understand the difficulties of doing that. Collect all the gun powder in a small dish. Are you being a good neighbor by respecting his property-rights and trying everything to resolve the issue? I felt an apology was appropriate, and he did appreciate it and apologized back for overreacting. It would probably be best to keep your cat in doors for a while. Said if our cat comes near his house again he will kill it. Our cats do no harm just go out for a wander and then come back to their own home. When I was about twelve a neighbor let his huge dog roam. This is the crux of the story; OP's dogs killed a neighbor's cat who came into the yard by crossing the fence. Your comments disturb the peace, and I won't stand for it. However, it will obviously create even more tension between you and your neighbour and may make your relationship intolerable. The Tears Flowed on Reunion of Cat Rescued from California Mudslide and Owner, There are some good products in America which can convert a yard into a cat enclosure. I just hate him and know one day he will have to answer to a greater power. Can I tell police to wait and call a lawyer when served with a search warrant? Is there anyone I can contact that goes after animal abusers, I am devastated by what he did to this poor cat, this person is obviously a psychopath! I've kept a closer eye on him, but he still goes outside. However, cat is not allowed outside now anyway. Diffuse cat tension with your neighbour To reach a solution with your neighbour, communication and understanding is key to avoid taking the matter down a more serious and legal route. Goodbye from me too Woody and dont come back,you are a disgrace to the name of manhood,a bigoted self centred cruel bully. My ex was mean to her a few times, and so her and I would basically riff on my ex. I'm not clear on whether the cat is actually entering the neighbors property or not? My ex was mean to her a few times, and so her and I would basically riff on my ex. (Just like this post to you now is also a total waste of my time. If your cat never went into their yards or climbed any fences, then you wouldnt worry one bit that they put up barbed-wire. Despite the fact that the number of domestic cats and dogs in America has doubled since the 1970s, the number Best Friends Animal Society reported a 44.5% drop between 2019 and 2020 of euthanized shelter cats and dogs from 625,000 Somebody asked the question whether animal shelters can refuse animals. Apparently he has managed to scale a 6ft fence and go into the neighbours yard, because I had a fairly unpleasant encounter with my neighbour today. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. working with law enforcement to protect cats. My 5 are all indoors now that the area has built up & theres lots of traffic it gets a bit crowded but its worth it to keep them safe. Legalities aside, this neighbor has given you fair warning that he may harm your cat. and our Cookie Notice They will probably warn him. How to apologize and make sure he doesn't hurt my pets? However, you have to be prepared for potential. So much so that you knew your cats were going to eventually get harmed from YOUR irresponsible behavior that it even made you move to a new residence. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. I also limit his outside time severely. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Tags: cat welfarehuman to cat relationshiphurting catskilling cats. So just hand in an apology mentioning that you do your best to not bother him and are sorry for this happening. Random cruelty. Dissasemble the cartrages and thow away the pellets. Can you request in your will that your companion animal must be killed on your death? Finally, you can judge the response: whether your apology was accepted and the problem actually solved. Even if you report him to the police its hard to prove he did kill them. I told her I have a legal right to live here as much as anyone else. The person in the picture behind Charlie could be Woodsman. Video cameras will aid with evidence for any cruelty cases and deter anyone who might harm the cats from coming onto the property. No, it wouldn't for obvious reasons. st rose perrysburg live stream. How do we make it right? Criminal Threats vs. Free Speech They take him to the pound or shelter where his lifespan might be only a matter minutes. Pets belong at home in the house and walked on a regular basis or in a secure fence or enclosure. If you want to read more click here. Depending on the state you live in it may very well be legal for him to shoot your cat. There are way to many wild cats out there. Are there dog haters like Woody cat hater, who hate all dogs and their owners too I wonder? So my answer to could the neighbor have done it, has to be yes. And you proved it to the whole world just now, all by your little self. I personally wouldn't report him because if he found out I'd have to worry about bricks through the windows etc as well as the danger to my cat. The op should definitely report him. r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. Don't name names, but include your neighbour in the distribution. Astounding! In the USA I suspect that the law is very similar to the UK and therefore it is certainly a crime to threaten to hurt or kill your cat. The neighbor went from being friendly to upset in a hurry. Posted January 11, 2010. norsewoman said: There is a simple solution to all this. If you read Ruths comments properly you will see that those NFH owned the street by bullying and you will also see that her cats stayed in her own garden,they were just another means of the creeps getting at her. Saying he is a very impulsive person, He is very likely to just curse around when seeing something like this, confronting him with that, will most likely not come over like a real excuse, but rather like criticism and no matter if he really would go to do any harm to your cat or not, that would just make the tension between you and him worse. Clifton Anthony Bliss Jr., 58, was . Hurting a cat is tantamount to criminal damage. It's almost like a reflex, done automatically without thought. No, it's not legal for them to shoot trespassing cats. It won't just be cats effected but birds and foxes and badgers. I was sure that you were talking about people who own cats and insist they have the right to roam anywhere and destroy everyone elses lives and property. No one wants to do anything constructive and everybody loses in the end. @DavidK, I'm in Canada. I don't think the humane society will put down a cat if asked to by a non-owner, but your neighbor could lie. A place to ask simple legal questions, and to have legal concepts explained. On several occasions, our neighbor has startled . And you are claiming that you dont even respect your neighbors enough that they have the perfect RIGHT to put up a bird-feeder anywhere they so desire on their OWN property? I dont understand the concept of calling my pet a family member and then letting it wander all over creation where just natural dangers can take its life of cause great injury or illness not even taking into account the sick animal haters who will dispose of your pet without a second thought. (And why a defense up so high if your cats dont climb fences?) Maybe a fence would deter him? How do you get out of a corner when plotting yourself into a corner. It's not a malicious or even intentional type of aggression. Second, your neighbor could be charged for intentionally killing a domestic animal under Minnesota Statutes 343.21. Yes dogs roaming are far more of a threat than cats and cause road accidents too. Penal Code 599c). Type 3: Exceptionally Annoying Neighbors. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. This particular neighbor never liked the cat because the cat would get in her yard and allegedly kill the birds at her bird feeder. I also don't want him throwing poison around and killing my dog. So then why do people think just because they are cats, it is OK for them to go wherever, pooping, killing birds, getting sick, getting lost or run-over, having fights or whatever? The dog was fighting another dog and the cat ended up in the middle of it. An easy way for someone (say your neighbor) to harm your dog is by baiting them with poison. He said that an intruder had entered. Thinking back to that time still makes both of us feel really stressed, it was a nightmare. Whats the common denominator for this couple of cats? "I live here! I actually take him places, and he just hangs out with me so he finds his "outdoor time" in other ways that don't involve upsetting my neighbor. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. People like that you just cant reason with, I asked them nicely to stop their harrassment of us and our cats, that only made it worse. Right? Today more than 800,000 people look to Alley Cat Allies for leadership on saving cats lives, developing communities that safeguard cats, and helping shelters embrace feline-friendly policies. Photo of cat by Michael. Well Ive got news for you, YOU are exactly that with knobs on! I wanna go out, grab it with my bare hands and throw it at the OWNER!! The articles are copyright Michael Broad but the infographics are free to use under a CC license. Apparently he has a nest of birds under the deck and the cat was stalking the babies. I'd rather you play it safe and have a pissed off cat than have a dead cat. How to match a specific column position till the end of line? I specifically said that I didn't want to have a conversation with this guy, and while I did have a conversation with him, it wasn't planned. They shouldnt be allowed to procreate. But part of me (a bitter part?) One extreme option is to sue in nuisance but that may not work and it will cause more hostilities. On the way out yesterday I passed the body of a cat obviously struck by a car. 2 What to Do About Unwanted Cats in Your Yard your neighbor right away. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Please, if it bothers you, I will make sure it won't happen again." As I said you are banned. I have no idea what the point of your comment is. It's not easy to domesticate a wild cat. In order to have an official police record of a violent threat, notify local law enforcement immediately and explain the situation in detail. If your cat is irritating your neighbor either the neighbor hates/dislikes cats and/or your cat is roaming around his garden irritating a fairly normal person. God help us there are many like those low life bullies and it sounds to me as if YOU are one of them.or maybe you are the cowardly idiot Woody back again with yet another alias. Some people are cruel sick and twisted. He so Loving & Sweet he helps Read more . Re: Neighbor threatened to kill my cat So my neighbor comes banging on the door at 3AM cussing and all pissed cause his dog got out while chasing my cat. By now it was open warfare and there wasnt a civil word between us. How to follow the signal when reading the schematic? It's completely different. You may invoke the law but then he may do something sneaky or impossible to prove. 6 reasons for the 90% drop in pound killings of US dogs and cats since the 1970s, Substantial drop in shelter animal euthanasia in the USA, Governor wants California to be a no-kill animal shelter state. If you're making "mistakes" in letting him out to roam more often than once a month, get your act together. This isn't aimed at you, but why the bloody hell should the cat have to now become an indoor cat because of one moron living in the street. Just like you, because they hate cats they hate the people who love cats too. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Harming animals with a sense of elation is a huge red flag personality indicator. The objective I think is that you have to prevent your cats going on to his property. I also leash him now when he goes out for the most part. I was a bit stunned and just told her, "Look, you can't do that. But that doesn't mean they won't do it. Collect Evidence & Try to Force Your Neighbor to Move. This sounds like your neighbor. I used to have an indoor/outdoor cat that belonged to my ex-wife and when she left, the cat left as well. There are devices to prevent cats entering properties but personally I dont really believe in them. If a downstairs neighbor is complaining about noise to their upstairs neighbor, or if neighbors are feuding over leaves that were blown from one yard into another, your association isn't required to interfere . The sensible answer is to be proactive and prevent your neighbor making threats. I think he would have a difficult time proving the suit, and if he had damages to show, I don't know exactly how far he could stretch a Small Claims suit. Proceed as follows: Obtain several shotgun cartrages (12 guage are best). "When my daughter was verbally assaulted while looking for her lost cat and then threatened with a K9-trained German sherpherd, I went into 'protective dad' mode," Persampiere said in a written . If the OP wants her cats to have the choice to go outside then she should be allowed to do that. She escalated to saying, "I will trap him and take him in if I see him again." A lot of people hate that. Interpersonal Skills Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for people looking to improve their interpersonal communication skills. This is not likely going to amount to a legal matter until it's all escalated much too far, and your cat is at the most serious risk if things do escalate further. We had to call the police on my neighbors over their loose vicious dogs. A little while after she left, things got better with this neighbor. Common Examples: Psychos, sneaky stealers, garbage collectors, criminals making their bad business right in front of your home. I read an article once saying how badly cats have hurt bird populations. That sounds defeatist but in my experience it is the only way.