I believe it was live a first sight. What is mine yikes. I just dont know what to take in. Instead, a Leo man will just assume that his actions speak for themselves. We known each other for many years but not so closely. Have now been married for 20 years. That might be true if you're talking about Leo and Pisces as zodiac signs, or about a Pisces man and a Leo woman. He knows me like no other person knows me. i tried doing that but I just miss him so much. A Pisces because she doesnt want to let go. She's prone to drift to-and-fro through life. I will do anything for him, and his loyalty to me is excatly what I needed (My Gemini ex was everything but loyal). Im pisces myself if someone did that to me after me putting so much effort into the relationship Id be broken in pieces and never wanting even to hear his name. She was so surprised you should of seen the look on her face. Leo Man & Taurus Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match? Hes an amazing romantic and goes slow with me because I have been hurt many times by guys in the past. The Pisces woman is ready to accept the dominance of her Leo man as long as she gets respect from him. Yet after a while sex becomes more of a distraction for this couple. Trust me, if a leo wants to move fast, he has probably known all about you that he requires(or he might just want to be in bed with you). Im more of a home body. Im talking to a Pisces woman and she is what i have been looking for almost my whole life i gave her this link. Possibly the best thing about these two is that both will benefit enormously from the other. Now I just have to wait and see what happens, Ive been in the same situation. We have also already told each other that we love each other and it felt right. Another major issue between these signs can be jealousy. Copyright 2023, Indian Vedic Astrology Horoscope Online Portal @ www.omastrology.com. But even then he still had feeling for me. Buhh Tha Most Active Ingredient In My Feelings For Him Is Love .. How Do I Get Him Back ?? There is just something about an Aquarius girl that makes a Leo's guy heart race. I think once you both keep the communication open with each other and act maturely about the relationship then things would work out great. Are you still together? She needs and wants to have a time alone. Good luck girl! During our conversations I put out some feelers to let her now I was interested in her, which she took and returned. He's drawn to her simply because she's an irrespirable force that he hungers to conquer. Indeed, when these two signs come together, they fulfill each other's needs. his emotional reactions are like a childs. 9 Tricks To Make Your Pisces Man Obsessed (Spot On! A Leo man and a Pisces woman are both idealistic when it comes to love and romance. A Pisces woman may not always want to go along with his ideas but also is not always assertive enough to make this known. However, a man shouldn't be fooled by her gossamer feminine appearance and agreeable nature; a Pisces woman will fight back. They can easily inspire each other and can be great muses to each other. Leo women love to be in positions of high social status and in the spotlight all around. This is the confusing part she started to compliment me on how romantic I was and wish she was single. Nope. She's all about losing herself in the other, and he's all about pleasure. On most occasions when he gets angry, a sensitive Pisces woman defends herself by crying, tuning him out, and giving him giving him space and time to settle down. Leo Man & Gemini Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match? if it were to say out of 100 couple with this sign that can get through all of this its 5 couple out of 100. and 1 from that 5 is me and my girl. I have been in love with a leo man for 2 years he cheats on me i know that for a fact but i can never win when it comes to him defending himself. Aries (March 21 - April 19) People with Aries birthdays are most compatible with Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, Libra, and Aquarius (basically, you get along with most people). @AnaheimAngels40 I was 17, pisces woman. It was unreal. This appeals to a sensitive Pisces woman. The more serious the relationship, though, the more pronounced their differences become. He came on strong. . Conversations are endless and our time together is increasing by the day. Ima Pisces dating a Leo and feel anxious things are moving to fast . She even said the father came to visit not to long ago and gave her a book on how to make a baby boy and oh this piece of information just made me want to go to the parents myself and give them a piece of my mind. To her, it is a fictitious place she goes where her fantasies are created. Im In Love With A Leo . This could be something as simple as not telling him I went shopping until after. And she doesnt really get along with the mother and the father. Because I was dating a younger female Leo and she sounded more sexual. She has to be smart, loyal, passionate and a good lover. Watch out Piscean ladies. I never ever felt this way about any body.I feel like I am finally experiencing love like its finally true. Leo friendship compatibility is better with other fire signs or air signs. Hes slowly getting more comfortable with me and its exciting. They may stay together because of the sexual chemistry. Even as close friends, a Pisces woman may be too emotionally demanding for a Leo man. Capricorn Men With Cancer Women - Are They a Match? As a pisces whose best and longest relationships have been with lions, gotta say you dont tame them. I before understood that Leo-Pisces relationship would not be very good and that they would just learn things (in other words: theyll brake up but theyll be better people after that), BUT thats not what I want. And I began falling (more like face planting) for him. I started dating a Scorpio last year and I am very happy. We have both made sacrifices and changed our ways for each other. But I would advice you not you not to give up. It said look outside which would be my cue to have my little sign that said would you go out with me? A Pisces woman shines and glitters in every way and combined with her ethereal nature, she's unforgettable. I kinda wanted to get to know himmore so we started talking more. Leos do want to move fast and everything. I was married to a Leo for 5 years and he showered me with expensive gifts, trips, and made me feel ultra special. We were so much in love, we used to fight, he used to loose him temper making me cry but couldnt see me hurt so he would do every possible thing just to make me smile. 24 Aquarius Girl And Leo Guy: An Instant Spark. AT ALL . The last one is a HUUGE deal! This becomes exhausting for a Pisces woman. A Leo man should never take her sad moods personally or let them overwhelm his optimism and enthusiasm. But if they are trying to be the main support in each others lives, they will clash. "Coupled . For a Leo man, a relationship profile is not complete if it doesnt take sexuality into consideration. He Gives Me Mixed Emotions . of course Peter O'Toole and Ursula Andress are just some of the famous Leo-Pisces couples that made it work, despite the unique challenges they had to face . This couple tends to baffle each other. Im a Leo and shes a Pisces, we both agree communication is important and that its more so about each others personalities and not what Horoscopes say. As confident and aggressive as he is, deep down him, he is still worried that his woman may take over, or try to. She isnt getting that right now or maybe she knows but she is bound to her be a good daughter n she is helpless but Iam sure if u stick around she will come to u hopefully. but there is just a connection that keeps us as best friends which is likely why we get back together again. I think it is true because I am dating a Leo and I am a Pisces so I believe pretty much everything this says. Only time we argued was because I caught him texting his ex which I thought was a girl he was cheating on me with. We had much in comm, Leo Man And Pisces Woman I only want and hope she would understand me, would forgive my faults (I was so angry and misrable for what she did to me), and everything. And when he does, she showers him with more adoration and has no problem making him the center of her attention. 2021 Horoscope will offer you a 'complete & personal guide' to the events expected in your life in the year 2020. If your gut feeling is to get out of this relationship, trust your feelings will save you plenty of heartache and heartbreak. Leo and Pisces dont go together. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. He's a generous, magnanimous, kind, loving, and playful, "see me" kind of guy with a majestic aura who knows his worth and has no problem attracting women. When Leo and Pisces join together in a love match, each partner enjoys the new perspective the other brings to life in general. He was always dominating, i never had a say for anything, i just kept it to myself until it summed up and started bothering me so much, but i decided to deal with his mess because i thought things would be different, but they never were. LMFAO. He saw that I was afraid to let him in because of my past. He is my shield and my strength. You'll feel better for it. I would go to the ends of the earth and back, and by whatever means necessary, to fight for my relationship and win him back! If her compassionate nature doesnt overwhelm him, they can make it work. He still says love you so Im unsure of his feelings towards me. A Leo man is independent, but he is also authoritarian as well as controlling and possessive of the things and people he considers his. Everything is beautiful and magical between Leo man and Pisces woman, that is until she gets a dreamy look in her eyes as her mind wanders off. She respects him and makes him feel bolder and more masculine while the shower of love and pamper given by Leo man, makes her turn into a beautiful rose from a mere little bud. I just started dating A leo & I like to take it slow, while hes a Lion & Im a fish Im not sure how long I can hold him off.I like friendship before intamacy .Hes very romantic & I just met him , So I made it clear that Communication is extremely Important in a friendship & Relationship .Please give me advice on how to Tame this lion Of A Man lol, Arlette, I am in the same predicament. An emotional water sign like a Pisces woman can be too confusing and suffocating for a Leo man. everything I have ever dreamt of. Help! In this world, all 78 have found marriage; and all 78 have found divorce. we also did long distance before splitting up. Call him up and tell him how you feel. I love my Leo man despite differences we renew our love everyday. Take A Zodiac Quiz. This is why Meghan Markle couldn't be a more perfect choice to be next Princess of England (so to speak, of course). But again, only if hes honored with your sincere love, and you cant fool him about that since hes the king of sincerity. As a lover, he's romantic, sensual, and has a powerful sex drive. The whole time I was there I couldnt stop thinking about her. I dont know what to do, whether I still pursue her, take her on dates and show her what life has to offer. Both of them are incurable romantics and can do well once they adjust to their different styles of love. A Leo man and a Pisces woman are both driven more by emotion than logic, and this is one of the significant issues with which this couple will have to deal. Dont push us down to the edge. He is dynamic, determined, assertive and confident. My emotions keep me connected with him although no part of me is glad that Im not hurting. Your connection is more about how you see the world; both Pisces and Leo are always switched on creatively. And when a Pisces woman boils over, she can easily drown a Leo man's fire in her scalding hot water. Like she had interest in me when I put out my feelers two months prior to that day. But I also know that sex changes everything. @[emailprotected] A Leo man has an explosive temper. Buhh He Always Makes Me Not Want Too At Time.. Pisces stay far away from Leo!!! Your email address will not be published. It is likely that Leo will wind up helping Pisces a lot with day to day troubles, such as getting the car registration renewed or getting to the bottom of that difficult plumbing problem. A Leo man can seem vain, demanding and insensitive to a Pisces woman. Knowing him since he was 8, I know his weaknesses and strengths. leos want ALL of your time, and they are so abrasive that even one minute around him gets on my nerves fast. Any pressure on the Pisces woman can make her slip out of that situation and even more pressure can cause her to disappear.