Seneca was aRoman philosopher, statesman, orator, and tragedian. Start studying Gladiator. Over time, the practice became institutionalized, which Romans imitated. Although limited to our resources there are concrete and controversial evidence that these female gladiators existed and what their role in Rome . Based on her epitaph, how would Mrs. McGee from Spoon River, Identify someone, real or fictional, you feel represents the hero archetype. To become the protector of Rome and to give power back to the people. The grand melee or fracas in which everybody engages is another example of the kind of climax noted above; cf. What does Commodus do to Maximus before they enter the arena? What sets Po, the hero of Kung Fu Panda, apart from the traditional, Benjamin Franklin said, "Be assured, a Woman's Power, as well as Happiness, has no other Foundation but her Husband's Esteem and Love." Historian Mary Beard says many of our popular notions about the empire are based on culture like the play Julius Caesar or the film Gladiator rather than fact. Seneca fell out of favour with Nero in 62. What does Seneca mean by this quote above? Seneca also witnessed the morning rituals in which individuals were put to bears or lions.Seneca characterize the gladiator combats heinous crime.. | The History Guide |